It is believed that most if not all the photographs were taken in the 1930s which is of course prior to the occupation of Sark by the German military. The notes were annotated pre-war and post-war.
It is also believed from the front piece inscription that the lady who owned the book (P??????? Shaw) was a close friend of a Miss Pattie Hale, who has the same surname as the editor of the book, (maybe a relation or even the same person?). It is marked that Miss Pattie Hale & her brother died during the occupation 1940/45 (If anyone knows further details, please contact Mike Deane on thank you!) A copy of this inscription is shown in the first image.
In the 1901 Census Laura E. Hale (aged 36) is the Head of Petit Dixcart and is also living with her sister Hannah M Hale, (aged 33). Also in the house is a Domestic General Servant and Ethel Cheeswright (Visitor) (aged 25), (miniature painter Sculp), who is understood to have come to live Sark in 1892 and stayed there for the rest of her life.
Miss Cheeswright eventually had a studio at Rose Cottage and painted many views of Sark. Though born in Brixton London, she went to school in Guernsey. During the Occupation she was sent to Biberach in Germany.

Typed in book:-
It was here while standing on the Big Sark end of the Coupee after midnight that I saw the rocks (which were quite invisible in the pitch black night) flooded with blood red colour from the enormous copper disk of the moon which had just risen over the end of little Sark.
The Royal engineers wiih German prisoner labour resurfaced the Coupee road with concrete and placed concrete posts and rails, completely spoiling the Coupee's appearance. The carriages do not venture across as they used to.
Ref: 2025-03-02-0019-
Location: Sark