Durman's Victoria Hotel
Durman's Victoria Hotel

This hotel was situated at the bottom of Le Frie Baton - it burned down in 1927 and the St Saviour's Hotel was built in its place.

According to Rob Batiste's LOOKback article in the 'Guernsey Press' of the 15th June 2012, Durman's Union Hotel was in operation circa 1850, and in its life it was also known as the Union Hotel and the Spread Eagle (there was also a Spread Eagle on the Bridge).

Location: Guernsey

Durman's Victoria Hotel

This hotel was situated at the bottom of Le Frie Baton - it burned down in 1927 and the St Saviour's Hotel was built in its place.

According to Rob Batiste's LOOKback article in the 'Guernsey Press' of the 15th June 2012, Durman's Union Hotel was in operation circa 1850, and in its life it was also known as the Union Hotel and the Spread Eagle (there was also a Spread Eagle on the Bridge).

Location: Guernsey