Duke of York Hotel
Duke of York Hotel

This photo taken through the floral arch in 1902 at the Duke of York Hotel (now The Carlton Hotel aka the wicked Wolf), and shows the celebration of the Coronation of Edward VII.

It is believed that the driver of the coach is Nicholas Peter Thoume a coachman from St Martins. Nicholas is the Great Grandfather of Richard le Bargy

Ref: 2023-07-27-0001

Photographer: Image courtesy of Richard Le Bargy

Duke of York Hotel

This photo taken through the floral arch in 1902 at the Duke of York Hotel (now The Carlton Hotel aka the wicked Wolf), and shows the celebration of the Coronation of Edward VII.

It is believed that the driver of the coach is Nicholas Peter Thoume a coachman from St Martins. Nicholas is the Great Grandfather of Richard le Bargy

Ref: 2023-07-27-0001

Photographer: Image courtesy of Richard Le Bargy