Captain William Reeks Captain of the SS Stella
Captain William Reeks Captain of the SS Stella

This Cabinet photograph depicts Captain Reeks the ill-fated Captain of the Stella that was wrecked of the Casquets on March 30th 1899 with the loss of 86 lives.

Ref: 2023-09-12-0013

Location: Casquets

Photographer: The Globe Photo Co Southampton - Image courtesy of Richard Le Bargy

Captain William Reeks Captain of the SS Stella

This Cabinet photograph depicts Captain Reeks the ill-fated Captain of the Stella that was wrecked of the Casquets on March 30th 1899 with the loss of 86 lives.

Ref: 2023-09-12-0013

Location: Casquets

Photographer: The Globe Photo Co Southampton - Image courtesy of Richard Le Bargy