Old House at Le Bourg
Old House at Le Bourg

This beautiful house is not at Le Gouffre as marked on the image, but at Le Bourg, near the airport; opposite 'Forest Stores' . It no longer exists as it was knocked down in in the 1930's and a new house built in its place.

The granite stone seen in the forefront of the photograph is called the "Le Perron du Roi' and was used as a mounting block when in a different position across the road in La Chevauchée. It maybe Neolithic and part of a stone circle or dolmen. There are four man made cup marks on it; the writing was done in recent times.

The pump is also still there, but the well has gone.

Location: Le Bourg. Forest

Old House at Le Bourg

This beautiful house is not at Le Gouffre as marked on the image, but at Le Bourg, near the airport; opposite 'Forest Stores' . It no longer exists as it was knocked down in in the 1930's and a new house built in its place.

The granite stone seen in the forefront of the photograph is called the "Le Perron du Roi' and was used as a mounting block when in a different position across the road in La Chevauchée. It maybe Neolithic and part of a stone circle or dolmen. There are four man made cup marks on it; the writing was done in recent times.

The pump is also still there, but the well has gone.

Location: Le Bourg. Forest